We are pleased to announce the British Columbia Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has granted a two-year extension to KSM Project’s Environmental Assessment Certificate through July 29, 2026, due to COVID-19 Related Impacts. This decision will allow the continued de-risking and the responsible advancement of the KSM Project. In 2021, Seabridge started undertaking various site capture activities to sustainably advance the KSM Project.

We would like to thank the leadership of the Nisga’a and Tahltan Nations and the Gitxsan Hereditary Chief’s Office for their positive contributions to our EAC extension request. Thanks, are also extended to the Honourable George Heyman, BC Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Strategy and the BC Environmental Assessment Office, for their leadership on this file.

Read the release here

The KSM Project underwent one of the most comprehensive Environmental Assessments (EA) ever undertaken in Canada and British Columbia. In 2014, after a seven-year review process, the KSM Project received approvals under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (1992) and the Nisga’a Lisims Treaty.
