Seabridge Gold’s Brent Murphy sent a letter to Adrienne Berchtold, the author of the report “Dirty Dozen 2023: B.C.’s top polluting and risky mines” published by SkeenaWild Conservation Trust and the BC Mining Law Reform Network. In the letter, Mr. Murphy addressed all the factual errors and inaccuracies regarding the KSM Project mentioned in the report and requested rectification of the misinformation.
You can read the letter here.
This marks the second time Seabridge Gold has reached out to Adrienne regarding the KSM Project. Despite previously providing detailed and accurate information in response to a similar report published in 2021, along with a request for her to contact us for accurate information prior to raising any concerns publicly, Adrienne has chosen not to engage with us and has once again included misleading information in her recent report. This demonstrates Adrienne’s clear bias against our efforts and a lack of interest in factual reporting.
You can read the 2021 letter here.