Selenium Treatment Plant

Selenium Treatment Plant

To maintain the highest standards of water quality and to fulfill a key condition of the KSM Project’s Environmental Assessment Certificate (completion of a selenium treatment pilot plant):

  • Seabridge adopted Selen-IX™, cutting-edge technology developed by selenium technical experts BioteQ Environmental Technologies, Inc (BQE) to remove selenium from wastewater waters near the KSM Project and to meet the stringent discharge limits in Canada.
  • The treatment was successfully tested and proven (reduce selenium concentrations to 1 ppb) during a pilot plant evaluation in 2015, satisfying the key legally binding condition of the BC Environmental Assessment Certificate.
  • Selen-IX™  technology received a US patent in 2018 and in 2020, BQE Water completed the commissioning and Performance Test of the First Selen-IX™ Plant for selenium removal at the Kemess Property in BC.
  • In 2021, the Selen-IX™ plant at the Kemess Mine in northern BC was awarded the prestigious 2022 Clean50 Top Project Award by Delta Management Group.

The water quantity and quality will be carefully monitored and regularly reported during the construction and operation of the KSM Project to ensure that we are meeting all necessary regulatory standards and permit conditions.
